A life examined is a life worth living.

A life examined is a life worth living.

We are in a world full of all forms of excuses, biases, and fallacies that tries to explain our inefficiencies, why we are the way we are, and that we have to accept our fate. That’s life, it is what it is!

This notion conflicts with faith because God could have only said we move from grace to grace only if he had the ability and willingness to achieve the same, which he does. We have no room for excuses in the Christian faith.

We have no room for excuses in the Christian faith.

This then brings us to the topic on the table today, which is examining our every second of life because doing so will make our lives worth living or make heaven ashamed of us on that day.

Matthew 17:18-19 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour. Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, why could not we cast him out?

When we take a close look at our reference scriptures, this pattern is clearly defined, why could not we cast him out? the disciples asked. This is the mindset we should carry all the times as Christians; to look within when without is falling.

Look within when without is falling.

Do not always be quick to point fingers at everything else for what is not working, first start by examining your life; did you do everything according to the book, and look for counsel to help discover what part of your life could have brought about the circumstance.

By doing this, we get to the core of life and redefined and redetermine our obsessions and priorities and choose a better course next time because certain things are meant to teach us a lesson. A wise student does not repeat the same class over and over again, it is wisdom to progress and learn from your mistakes.

Examining our lives creates a sense of accountability and commitment. We see the fallacies and play the cards to regain control because God has given us the power to appoint our days (Psalms 90:12).

However, we should not only play the enders game by observing our lives from the falling pieces only, but we should even account for the triumphs and successes. This is what creates a patterned life and there is nothing sweeter than living a patterned life. 

A light without can destroy the soul because it does not carry the power to illuminate the soul. Light gives meaning and identity.

So, the next time before blaming everyone else for the way your life is, look within first and you will be amazed this is usually the first step towards any change; to accept mistakes and errors. 

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Faith Not Chance

If you leave your life to chance, you dont have a chance. Life can be structured and days can be appointed, we dont have to live void less of the power given to us to occupy until Jesus comes back: what about be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and be sub due it. I am just a guy here to inspire intentional faith to living the best of every life.